40th Anniversary Party & Canal Chamber Networking Event
April 5, 2012
Murray & MacDonald Insurance has been taking care of clients for 40 years.A week ago we had our 40th Anniversary Celebration by hosting the Cape Cod Canal Region Chamber of Commerce Business Networking event at our office at 550 MacArthur Blvd in Bourne, Massachusetts..
Cape Cod Conservatoryprovided fabulous entertainment, and it was their debut! The group hadn't performed in front of an audience yet, not that you could tell. Their music was welcome by all... more to come in another blogpost...
As previously mentioned, Bopha of Stir Crazycatered with the scrumptious food. Have you been to her restaurant? If not, check it out, if you have, go again! Here's a sampling of the spread.

Check back later for our pinterest inspirations, the Conservatory and a few more pictures of the event. If you're a pinner on pinterest, check out.
You can find us at: http://pinterest.com/murraymacdins/
We'll be pinning a variety of useful and maybe some not so useful but amusing information.
For those of you who joined us at our 40th AnniversaryThank You!To our clientsThank You!