Are you ADDICTED to your phone?
October 17, 2012
If you're somewhat like me, you use your phone for a lot of things (besides making phone calls).
- Checking your email
- Updating a status on instagram, facebook, twitter, etc
- Texting a friend
- Updating your calendar (because your calendar is in your phone)
- Maintaining a "to do" list
- Taking pictures when you don't want to lug your DSLR camera around
- GPS for finding the new restaurant, visiting a friend, OR just figuring out how long it will take you to get somewhere (is there traffic?)
- New contacts
- Checking the weather in your town and for your weekend trip
- Track exercise - MapMyRide
- Track mileage for work purposes
- Etc
Do any of these resonate with you?
Did you know it's #nationalteendriversafetyweek?
It's not just the teens who need to remember to put their phones away. I don't text and drive, but I can tell you, my iPhone is a distraction when I'm driving. I have to remember to turn on Bluetooth and put my phone out of reach.
But, since it's National Teen Driver Safety Week, here's a little video on distracted driving by Mazda. They use a simulator similar to the one we used in June when we hosted Distractology 101 in June.
Remember, ArbellaInsurance has Distractology, a course on Distracted Driving.