Car Seat Coverage
July 27, 2017

Does your insurance protect your car seat?
Don't risk your precious cargo while driving your car.
"I'm a mom, I have three kids, I drive a minivan.
We have a lot of car seats!
Come on guys, it's time to go! Get in the car!
Oh dear!
One of my concerns as a mom is what happens if we get in an car accident? Are my kids protected?
So I make sure to buy a good car seat, that I trust."
"If you are in a car accident. Your head can do that - "
"Yes! You are right!
If you are in a car accident you can hurt your neck!
So another thing that I'm concerned about is the car seat replacement from an accident.
Is the car insurance covering it? I don't know!
Contact your local agent to find out if your
car seat is covered by car insurance!"
How is your car seat protected?
Call, text, email or walk into our Bourne or Falmouth office and review with one of our risk advisors.