Enjoy your stay in the swimming pool with our 5 safety tips!! In case the ocean gets too cold ;-)
August 25, 2017

5 swimming pool safety tips
To cool down these hot days, jumping into a cold swimming pool is refreshing and fun!
According to the American Red Cross over 200 young children drown in swimming pools each year.
These tips ensure safe pool days for you, your family and friends.
- Maintain secure fencing with a locked entrance
- Have the rule, that no on swims alone
- Take your kids to swimming lessons
- Teach children to say away from drains and know where the emergency vacuum shut off is
- Check the pol deck for safety hazards
Swimming pools are usually covered by your home insurance; however please review your coverage with your local agent to ensure you have proper protection.
Thank you and have a great summer!
If you need more information
Call, text, email or walk into our Bourne or Falmouth office and speak to one of our risk advisors.