Insuring Your Golf Cart
May 31, 2013
Cape Cod is home to a few gated communities, condominium complexes, golf courses, and exclusive country clubs. If you own a golf cart for personal use, having the proper coverage is a necessity. A personal golf cart might be your means of moving about your community, a way to get to and from your private beach, getting from green to green on the links (if you can hit them), or just a toy to use at your estate. Whatever the case may be, it is never a bad idea to be properly covered.

Golf cart coverage can protect you in the event of bodily injury or death to someone else because of a golf cart accident. If you rear-end the foursome in front of you on the way to the 18th, you are held responsible for any injuries that occur. Bodily injury liability coverage for your golf cart can protect you from financial loss, legal costs, and bail bond expenses associated with your accident. While a golf cart might seem harmless, accidents and injuries are no joke. If you put a ding in that foursome’s shiny new cart, property damage coverage will protect you against the liability of causing damage to someone else’s property.
If you find yourself upside-down in a sand trap with a few bumps and bruises, golf cart insurance will cover your medical expenses up to selected limits, provided those expenses are reasonable and necessary. Coverage will also include medical care, recovery, rehabilitation, and remedial care. Though I make light of golf car accidents, they do happen. People have been seriously injured and killed because of misuse of golf carts. Take your need for speed to the racetrack!
Golf cart insurance also includes underinsured/uninsured bodily injury coverage. Underinsured/uninsured coverage will pay benefits to your and/or your passengers if you are struck by a golf cart driver who does not have insurance, a golf cart driver whose insurance coverage is less than the loss that results from the accident, or a hit and run golf cart operator that speeds away before they can be identified.
Like an automobile, golf carts are covered in the event of a collision, fire, theft, riot, windstorm, or hail. Should your gated community erupt into riot, and your golf cart becomes collateral damage, be not afraid for you are covered. If your cart incurs damage in the event of any of the above, you could receive up to the cash value of your cart minus your deductible. If your cart is rendered inoperable, coverage extends to the towing and labor associated with moving your cart. Yes, they will pull your cart out of the sand trap, but you might have to foot the bill for the donut marks on the fairway.
Whether you use your cart or the course or in your neighborhood, you should considering golf cart insurance. It might seem frivolous to do so, you need to protect your investments. Carts can cost up to $7,000, it would be a shame to lose that investment because you did not think to buy insurance!
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