Mock Monday: The Police: Part 2
November 21, 2011

We're back with Part 2 - The Police.If you missed the first few posts please check back to:The Set-Up The Accident Police Part 1 Last time, we ended with: How will Joe react when he arrives at the scene? What will Officer Smith's first step be? His first step is to park his cruiser in a safe spot: this is to alert other drivers of the accident and to keep the cruiser from becoming part of an accident. Did you answer correctly?
Last Mock Monday we discussed how Officer Joe approaches an accident scene. Each accident is different. Here is what he does at Terry's accident scene.
1) Officer Smith secures the scene. He makes sure the accident scene is blocked off so it is safe for everyone. He decides to shut down one lane of traffic for the safety of all involved.
2) His initial assessment finds: 3 cars, 6 people and a dog are involved. There is no immediate danger to any of the people involved, no threat of fire/explosion, no fluid/gas leaks, no downed power wires or buildings hit. He finds the dog is OK, Terry is OK, her kids are OK. The person who rear ended Terry is OK. The person Terry rear ended is in a lot of pain. Terry and her kids should be seen by the paramedic, maybe go to the hospital. The person Terry rear-ended will probably need an ambulance. Officer Smith realizes he needs another officer to man the scene and direct traffic.
3) He confirms with Dispatch that Rescue is coming and that he needs back-up.
4) Officer Smith approaches the first vehicle (V1). This is the vehicle Terry rear-ended. The driver is a young man. He was driving an older vehicle. His name is Michael. The airbags did not deploy in his car. He was not wearing his seat belt. He's unconscious in the driver's seat. It appears he hit his head on the steering wheel or the dashboard. Officer Smith checks Michael's Airway, Breathing and Heartbeat (Airway, Breathing, Cardio). Michael is ok, his airway is open, he's breathing and he has a pulse. There is minor bleeding on his forehead, but other than that, he looks ok. Officer Smith tries to get Michael to respond to noise. Michael doesn't respond. The paramedics arrive and take over. A second officer also arrives and makes sure traffic is flowing smoothly. Officer Smith moves on to Terry and her kids, second vehicle (V2).
5) Officer Smith asks Terry how she is feeling. She has a slight headache, otherwise feels fine. He checks on the kids in their car-seats. They are crying, but otherwise visibly fine. He writes down Terry's information on an Accident Exchange Form and tells her he will come back to her, he needs to speak to the operator of the third vehicle.
6) Officer Smith approaches the blue pick-up (V3). There is a man outside the truck on his phone and a woman in the passenger seat. Officer Smith speaks with the man Terrence and his wife Florence. He adds their information to the Accident Exchange Form. Officer Smith asks Terrence what happened. Terrence and Florence were arguing, hence the erratic driving. Officer Smith issues Terrance a citation. His argument caused a multi-vehicle accident with possible multiple injuries. Terrence is not happy with the officer. He takes the citation and mumbles that he has to leave. Officer Smith doesn't want him around anymore, he says Terrence can leave, his car is drive-able. He will pick up the Accident Report at the police station later. Officer Smith gives Terrence his card for a reference and advises Terrence to complete a Massachusetts Motor Vehicle Crash Form and submit a claim to his insurance company.
7) Back to Terry, Officer Smith takes her statement, mentions he issued a citation to Terrence and says she can request the police report at the office. Terry takes the information from the officer and writes it on a piece of paper. While the officer was busy with Terrence, Terry took pictures of her car and V1 & V3 with her iPhone and emailed them to her husband. She also asked her husband in the email to contact their insurance company.
8) The paramedics are still busy with Michael. Officer Smith runs his plates and gets his information. He gives some information to Terry but also advises it will be on the Police Report. One paramedic comes over to Terry. He checks her and her kids. Read more next Monday about the Paramedic's side of the story.
9) Terry's van is drive-able, but she doesn't want to drive it. She's concerned about the safety of herself and her kids. Her husband is already at work and can't come pick her up. She calls her co-worker back and asks for a ride. Her co-worker obliges. At the same time Officer Smith arranges for two tow trucks (one for V1 and one for V2). They are there in a matter of minutes and get the vehicles ready to go.
10) Officer Smith advises Terry to fill out the same Crash Form he advised Terrence to fill out. He gives her his card for her reference suggests she call her insurance company as soon as she can to submit a claim.
It's been a busy morning, but the accident scene is almost all set. The tow trucks take the two cars (V1&V2), Terrence's vehicle (V3) is gone, the ambulance is gone, Terry & her kids have been picked up. It's just Officer Smith and his partner Officer Johnson survey the scene. There is no damage to any property. Now it's back to the office to finalize the paperwork.
Offer Smith thanks Officer Johnson for his help.
All in a day's work.
Check back on Monday to hear what the paramedics said about Michael, Terry and her kids.