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Talk To A Risk Advisor

May 6, 2022

It’s customary to have an annual physical examination, automobile inspection, income tax filing or various other periodic checkups and reviews. When was the last time you carefully examined your insurance program? You spend a lot of money on these policies. An annual review is a recommended best practice to make certain you properly protect your assets.

Don’t risk a lot for a little. The small amount of time it takes to speak with your insurance advisor reviewing all of your exposures and related coverage once a year is worth the time. You may have purchased or sold assets, had a life changing event, but neglected to inform your insurance advisor. A child may have earned their driver’s license or gone off to college or experienced some other circumstance. Life happens. An annual review of your insurance program is both wise and prudent.

Changes take place in the insurance world every day. You can simplify your insurance at your next annual review. Consolidate policies (home, auto, umbrella, and others) with one common effective date, place payments onto monthly EFT. There’s a lot you can do to simplify and make more efficient your insurance program that will save you time, money, energy and improve your protection.

Let us help you with a complimentary review of your insurance program.