The biking season has already started!!
May 5, 2017
We already posted information about insurance coverage for your bike in the past.
To fresh up your memories today and for the current biking season, we want to make sure you are aware of this:
Take your bike and go on Cape Cod's bike paths!! Make sure you look out for motorcycles and cars.
BUT you should also be aware of all the other cyclists on the road.
Many wear helmets, and many do NOT. But what if you were involved in an accident with a motorist and were injured.
Did you know that YOUR MA Automobile Insurance could provide added protection for your injuries, just as if you were in a vehicle? Exciting, right!!
We purchase insurance and many may think, I never use it, but did you know the policy still works for you as a pedestrian or riding a bicycle?? Best of all, there is no extra cost.
How this works for you:
Two notable coverages - after Personal Injury Protection, PIP -
- Part 3, (Uninsured Motorists)
- Part 12 (Underinsured Motorists).
Look to carry increased limits on these parts, and keep in mind, they cannot be higher than your Part 5 coverage, (Optional Bodily Injury to Others).
If you increase these coverages to $250,000 per person / $500,000 per accident, some select insurers can also provide a Personal Umbrella Policy to extend coverage for an additional $1,000,000.
In the event you are seriously injured by an "uninsured" or "underinsured" motorist you could file a claim against your own automobile and or umbrella insurer (if permitted) up to the limits of liability.
Very interesting coverage!!
Call your agent to discuss these wonderful benefits of your automobile policy.